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Android Documentation

Interface ISdlProtocol

All Known Implementing Classes
com.smartdevicelink.session.BaseSdlSession, com.smartdevicelink.session.SdlSession


onProtocolMessageReceived( ProtocolMessage msg )

Called to indicate that a complete message (RPC, BULK, etc.) has been received.

public void onProtocolMessageReceived(ProtocolMessage msg)

Method Parameters

the message that was received

onServiceStarted( SdlPacket packet, SessionType serviceType, int sessionID, Version version, boolean isEncrypted )

Called to indicate that a service has been started

public void onServiceStarted(SdlPacket packet,SessionType serviceType,int sessionID,Version version,boolean isEncrypted)

Method Parameters

the control packet StartServiceACK received from the connected device
the service type that has been started
the session ID that this service has been started on
the protocol version used for this session and service
if the service is encrypted

onServiceEnded( SdlPacket packet, SessionType serviceType, int sessionID )

This will get called when a service has ended

public void onServiceEnded(SdlPacket packet,SessionType serviceType,int sessionID)

Method Parameters

the packet received that ended this service
the service type that has ended
the id of the session that this service was operating on

onServiceError( SdlPacket packet, SessionType serviceType, int sessionID, String error )

If there is an error with starting or stopping the service or any other error this method will be called. This will also be called if the service was operating on a transport that has been disconnected.

public void onServiceError(SdlPacket packet,SessionType serviceType,int sessionID,String error)

Method Parameters

if there is a packet that caused this error it will be included, however this can be null.
the service type that experienced the error
the session ID that this service was associated with
a human readable string of the error

onProtocolError( String info, Exception e )

Called to indicate that a protocol error was detected in received data.

public void onProtocolError(String info,Exception e)

Method Parameters

a human readable string of the error
the exception if one occurred


Method that the protocol layer will use to obtain the session ID

public int getSessionId()

shutdown( String info )

A request made by the protocol layer to shutdown the layers above it. Likely due to the RPC service being shutdown or the primary transport disconnecting.

public void shutdown(String info)

Method Parameters

human readable string on why the shutdown should occur

onTransportDisconnected( String info, boolean altTransportAvailable, BaseTransportConfig transportConfig )

Called when a transport disconnects

public void onTransportDisconnected(String info,boolean altTransportAvailable,BaseTransportConfig transportConfig)

Method Parameters

a human readable string including information on the disconnected transport
a boolean flag indicating if there is another transport that can be used to connect with the SDL enabled device.
the previously supplied transport config


A method that should be implemented by the hosting class of the SdlProtocol instance that will return the currently being used security library if any.

public com.smartdevicelink.security.SdlSecurityBase getSdlSecurity()


A method that should be implemented by the hosting class of the SdlProtocol instance that will return the desired video streaming parameters. These parameters will be requested if another component has requested the video streaming service to start.

public com.smartdevicelink.streaming.video.VideoStreamingParameters getDesiredVideoParams()

setAcceptedVideoParams( VideoStreamingParameters acceptedVideoParams )

A callback that will be called when the video service has been successfully started and the streaming parameters have been negotiated. This should be called prior to the video service started callback.

public void setAcceptedVideoParams(VideoStreamingParameters acceptedVideoParams)

Method Parameters

the negotiated and accepted video parameters that should be used to stream to the SDL enabled device.

onAuthTokenReceived( String authToken )

A callback to indicate the SDL connected device has supplied an authentication token to this application. It will be called after the service start callback.

public void onAuthTokenReceived(String authToken)

Method Parameters

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