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VideoStreamingProtocol Class Reference


Static Members


new VideoStreamingProtocol()

Constructor for VideoStreamingProtocol.

Static Members

VideoStreamingProtocol.RAW ⇒ String

Get the enum value for RAW. Raw stream bytes that contains no timestamp data and is the lowest supported video streaming

Kind: Static property of VideoStreamingProtocol
Returns: String - The enum value.

VideoStreamingProtocol.RTMP ⇒ String

Get the enum value for RTMP. Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) was initially a proprietary protocol developed by Macromedia for streaming audio, video and data over the Internet, between a Flash player and a server. Macromedia is now owned by Adobe, which has released an incomplete version of the specification of the protocol for public use.

Kind: Static property of VideoStreamingProtocol
Returns: String - The enum value.

VideoStreamingProtocol.RTP ⇒ String

Get the enum value for RTP. RTP facilitates the transfer of real-time data. Information provided by this protocol include timestamps (for synchronization), sequence numbers (for packet loss and reordering detection) and the payload format which indicates the encoded format of the data.

Kind: Static property of VideoStreamingProtocol
Returns: String - The enum value.

VideoStreamingProtocol.RTSP ⇒ String

Get the enum value for RTSP. The transmission of streaming data itself is not a task of RTSP. Most RTSP servers use the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) in conjunction with Real-time Control Protocol (RTCP) for media stream delivery. However, some vendors implement proprietary transport protocols.

Kind: Static property of VideoStreamingProtocol
Returns: String - The enum value.

VideoStreamingProtocol.WEBM ⇒ String

Get the enum value for WEBM. The WebM container is based on a profile of Matroska. WebM initially supported VP8 video and Vorbis audio streams. In 2013 it was updated to accommodate VP9 video and Opus audio.

Kind: Static property of VideoStreamingProtocol
Returns: String - The enum value.

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