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GetVehicleData Class Reference


Instance Methods


new GetVehicleData(parameters)

Initializes an instance of GetVehicleData.

Instance Methods

getVehicleData.getAccPedalPosition() ⇒ Boolean

Get the AccPedalPosition

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_ACC_PEDAL_POSITION value

getVehicleData.getAirbagStatus() ⇒ Boolean

Get the AirbagStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_AIRBAG_STATUS value

getVehicleData.getBeltStatus() ⇒ Boolean

Get the BeltStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_BELT_STATUS value

getVehicleData.getBodyInformation() ⇒ Boolean

Get the BodyInformation

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_BODY_INFORMATION value

getVehicleData.getClimateData() ⇒ Boolean

Get the ClimateData

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_CLIMATE_DATA value

getVehicleData.getCloudAppVehicleID() ⇒ Boolean

Get the CloudAppVehicleID

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_CLOUD_APP_VEHICLE_ID value

getVehicleData.getClusterModeStatus() ⇒ Boolean

Get the ClusterModeStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_CLUSTER_MODE_STATUS value

getVehicleData.getDeviceStatus() ⇒ Boolean

Get the DeviceStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_DEVICE_STATUS value

getVehicleData.getDriverBraking() ⇒ Boolean

Get the DriverBraking

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_DRIVER_BRAKING value

getVehicleData.getECallInfo() ⇒ Boolean

Get the ECallInfo

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_E_CALL_INFO value

getVehicleData.getElectronicParkBrakeStatus() ⇒ Boolean

Get the ElectronicParkBrakeStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_ELECTRONIC_PARK_BRAKE_STATUS value

getVehicleData.getEmergencyEvent() ⇒ Boolean

Get the EmergencyEvent

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_EMERGENCY_EVENT value

getVehicleData.getEngineOilLife() ⇒ Boolean

Get the EngineOilLife

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_ENGINE_OIL_LIFE value

getVehicleData.getEngineTorque() ⇒ Boolean

Get the EngineTorque

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_ENGINE_TORQUE value

getVehicleData.getExternalTemperature() ⇒ Boolean

Get the ExternalTemperature

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_EXTERNAL_TEMPERATURE value

getVehicleData.getFuelLevel() ⇒ Boolean

Get the FuelLevel

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_FUEL_LEVEL value

getVehicleData.getFuelLevel_State() ⇒ Boolean

Get the FuelLevel_State

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_FUEL_LEVEL_STATE value

getVehicleData.getFuelRange() ⇒ Boolean

Get the FuelRange

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_FUEL_RANGE value

getVehicleData.getGearStatus() ⇒ Boolean

Get the GearStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_GEAR_STATUS value

getVehicleData.getGps() ⇒ Boolean

Get the Gps

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_GPS value

getVehicleData.getHandsOffSteering() ⇒ Boolean

Get the HandsOffSteering

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_HANDS_OFF_STEERING value

getVehicleData.getHeadLampStatus() ⇒ Boolean

Get the HeadLampStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_HEAD_LAMP_STATUS value

getVehicleData.getInstantFuelConsumption() ⇒ Boolean

Get the InstantFuelConsumption

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_INSTANT_FUEL_CONSUMPTION value

getVehicleData.getMyKey() ⇒ Boolean

Get the MyKey

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_MY_KEY value

getVehicleData.getOdometer() ⇒ Boolean

Get the Odometer

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_ODOMETER value

getVehicleData.getOemCustomVehicleData(vehicleDataName) ⇒ [Boolean, null]

Gets a boolean value for OEM Custom VehicleData.

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: [Boolean, null] - Whether or not to retrieve the custom vehicle data.

vehicleDataName String The key associated with the custom vehicle data.

getVehicleData.getPrndl() ⇒ Boolean

Get the Prndl

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_PRNDL value

getVehicleData.getRpm() ⇒ Boolean

Get the Rpm

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_RPM value

getVehicleData.getSeatOccupancy() ⇒ Boolean

Get the SeatOccupancy

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_SEAT_OCCUPANCY value

getVehicleData.getSpeed() ⇒ Boolean

Get the Speed

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_SPEED value

getVehicleData.getStabilityControlsStatus() ⇒ Boolean

Get the StabilityControlsStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_STABILITY_CONTROLS_STATUS value

getVehicleData.getSteeringWheelAngle() ⇒ Boolean

Get the SteeringWheelAngle

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_STEERING_WHEEL_ANGLE value

getVehicleData.getTirePressure() ⇒ Boolean

Get the TirePressure

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_TIRE_PRESSURE value

getVehicleData.getTurnSignal() ⇒ Boolean

Get the TurnSignal

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_TURN_SIGNAL value

getVehicleData.getVin() ⇒ Boolean

Get the Vin

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_VIN value

getVehicleData.getWindowStatus() ⇒ Boolean

Get the WindowStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_WINDOW_STATUS value

getVehicleData.getWiperStatus() ⇒ Boolean

Get the WiperStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_WIPER_STATUS value

getVehicleData.setAccPedalPosition(position) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the AccPedalPosition

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

position Boolean Accelerator pedal position (percentage depressed) - The desired AccPedalPosition.

getVehicleData.setAirbagStatus(status) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the AirbagStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

status Boolean The status of the air bags - The desired AirbagStatus.

getVehicleData.setBeltStatus(status) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the BeltStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

status Boolean The status of the seat belts - The desired BeltStatus.

getVehicleData.setBodyInformation(information) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the BodyInformation

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

information Boolean The body information including ignition status and internal temp - The desired BodyInformation.

getVehicleData.setClimateData(data) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the ClimateData

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

data Boolean See ClimateData - The desired ClimateData.

getVehicleData.setCloudAppVehicleID(id) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the CloudAppVehicleID

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

id Boolean Parameter used by cloud apps to identify a head unit - The desired CloudAppVehicleID.

getVehicleData.setClusterModeStatus(status) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the ClusterModeStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

status Boolean The status modes of the cluster - The desired ClusterModeStatus.

getVehicleData.setDeviceStatus(status) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the DeviceStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

status Boolean The device status including signal and battery strength - The desired DeviceStatus.

getVehicleData.setDriverBraking(braking) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the DriverBraking

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

braking Boolean The status of the brake pedal - The desired DriverBraking.

getVehicleData.setECallInfo(info) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the ECallInfo

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

info Boolean Emergency Call notification and confirmation data - The desired ECallInfo.

getVehicleData.setElectronicParkBrakeStatus(status) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the ElectronicParkBrakeStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

status Boolean The status of the park brake as provided by Electric Park Brake (EPB) system. - The desired ElectronicParkBrakeStatus.

getVehicleData.setEmergencyEvent(event) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the EmergencyEvent

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

event Boolean Information related to an emergency event (and if it occurred) - The desired EmergencyEvent.

getVehicleData.setEngineOilLife(life) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the EngineOilLife

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

life Boolean The estimated percentage of remaining oil life of the engine. - The desired EngineOilLife.

getVehicleData.setEngineTorque(torque) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the EngineTorque

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

torque Boolean Torque value for engine (in Nm) on non-diesel variants - The desired EngineTorque.

getVehicleData.setExternalTemperature(temperature) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the ExternalTemperature

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

temperature Boolean The external temperature in degrees celsius. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.1, please see climateData. - The desired ExternalTemperature.

getVehicleData.setFuelLevel(level) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the FuelLevel

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

level Boolean The fuel level in the tank (percentage). This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange. - The desired FuelLevel.

getVehicleData.setFuelLevel_State(level_state) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the FuelLevel_State

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

level_state Boolean The fuel level state. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange. - The desired FuelLevel_State.

getVehicleData.setFuelRange(range) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the FuelRange

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

range Boolean The fuel type, estimated range in KM, fuel level/capacity and fuel level state for the vehicle. See struct FuelRange for details. - The desired FuelRange.

getVehicleData.setGearStatus(status) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the GearStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

status Boolean See GearStatus - The desired GearStatus.

getVehicleData.setGps(gps) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the Gps

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

gps Boolean See GPSData - The desired Gps.

getVehicleData.setHandsOffSteering(steering) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the HandsOffSteering

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

steering Boolean To indicate whether driver hands are off the steering wheel - The desired HandsOffSteering.

getVehicleData.setHeadLampStatus(status) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the HeadLampStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

status Boolean Status of the head lamps - The desired HeadLampStatus.

getVehicleData.setInstantFuelConsumption(consumption) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the InstantFuelConsumption

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

consumption Boolean The instantaneous fuel consumption in microlitres - The desired InstantFuelConsumption.

getVehicleData.setMyKey(key) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the MyKey

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

key Boolean Information related to the MyKey feature - The desired MyKey.

getVehicleData.setOdometer(odometer) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the Odometer

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

odometer Boolean Odometer in km - The desired Odometer.

getVehicleData.setOemCustomVehicleData(vehicleDataName, vehicleDataState) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Sets a boolean value for OEM Custom VehicleData.

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance to support method chaining.

vehicleDataName String The key associated with the custom vehicle data.
vehicleDataState Boolean Whether or not to retrieve the custom vehicle data.

getVehicleData.setPrndl(prndl) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the Prndl

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

prndl Boolean See PRNDL. This parameter is deprecated and it is now covered in `gearStatus` - The desired Prndl.

getVehicleData.setRpm(rpm) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the Rpm

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

rpm Boolean The number of revolutions per minute of the engine - The desired Rpm.

getVehicleData.setSeatOccupancy(occupancy) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the SeatOccupancy

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

occupancy Boolean See SeatOccupancy - The desired SeatOccupancy.

getVehicleData.setSpeed(speed) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the Speed

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

speed Boolean The vehicle speed in kilometers per hour - The desired Speed.

getVehicleData.setStabilityControlsStatus(status) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the StabilityControlsStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

status Boolean See StabilityControlsStatus - The desired StabilityControlsStatus.

getVehicleData.setSteeringWheelAngle(angle) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the SteeringWheelAngle

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

angle Boolean Current angle of the steering wheel (in deg) - The desired SteeringWheelAngle.

getVehicleData.setTirePressure(pressure) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the TirePressure

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

pressure Boolean See TireStatus - The desired TirePressure.

getVehicleData.setTurnSignal(signal) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the TurnSignal

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

signal Boolean See TurnSignal - The desired TurnSignal.

getVehicleData.setVin(vin) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the Vin

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

vin Boolean Vehicle identification number - The desired Vin.

getVehicleData.setWindowStatus(status) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the WindowStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

status Boolean See WindowStatus - The desired WindowStatus.

getVehicleData.setWiperStatus(status) ⇒ GetVehicleData

Set the WiperStatus

Kind: Instance method of GetVehicleData
Returns: GetVehicleData - The class instance for method chaining.

status Boolean The status of the wipers - The desired WiperStatus.
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