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GPSData Class Reference


Instance Methods


new GPSData(parameters)

Initializes an instance of GPSData.

Instance Methods

gPSData.getActual() ⇒ Boolean

Get the Actual

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_ACTUAL value

gPSData.getAltitude() ⇒ Number

Get the Altitude

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_ALTITUDE value

gPSData.getCompassDirection() ⇒ CompassDirection

Get the CompassDirection

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: CompassDirection - the KEY_COMPASS_DIRECTION value

gPSData.getDimension() ⇒ Dimension

Get the Dimension

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Dimension - the KEY_DIMENSION value

gPSData.getHdop() ⇒ Number

Get the Hdop

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_HDOP value

gPSData.getHeading() ⇒ Number

Get the Heading

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_HEADING value

gPSData.getLatitudeDegrees() ⇒ Number

Get the LatitudeDegrees

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_LATITUDE_DEGREES value

gPSData.getLongitudeDegrees() ⇒ Number

Get the LongitudeDegrees

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_LONGITUDE_DEGREES value

gPSData.getPdop() ⇒ Number

Get the Pdop

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_PDOP value

gPSData.getSatellites() ⇒ Number

Get the Satellites

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_SATELLITES value

gPSData.getShifted() ⇒ Boolean

Get the Shifted

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_SHIFTED value

gPSData.getSpeed() ⇒ Number

Get the Speed

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_SPEED value

gPSData.getUtcDay() ⇒ Number

Get the UtcDay

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_UTC_DAY value

gPSData.getUtcHours() ⇒ Number

Get the UtcHours

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_UTC_HOURS value

gPSData.getUtcMinutes() ⇒ Number

Get the UtcMinutes

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_UTC_MINUTES value

gPSData.getUtcMonth() ⇒ Number

Get the UtcMonth

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_UTC_MONTH value

gPSData.getUtcSeconds() ⇒ Number

Get the UtcSeconds

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_UTC_SECONDS value

gPSData.getUtcYear() ⇒ Number

Get the UtcYear

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_UTC_YEAR value

gPSData.getVdop() ⇒ Number

Get the Vdop

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: Number - the KEY_VDOP value

gPSData.setActual(actual) ⇒ GPSData

Set the Actual

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

actual Boolean True, if actual. False, if inferred. - The desired Actual.

gPSData.setAltitude(altitude) ⇒ GPSData

Set the Altitude

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

altitude Number Altitude in meters - The desired Altitude. {'num_min_value': -10000.0, 'num_max_value': 10000.0}

gPSData.setCompassDirection(direction) ⇒ GPSData

Set the CompassDirection

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

direction CompassDirection See CompassDirection. - The desired CompassDirection.

gPSData.setDimension(dimension) ⇒ GPSData

Set the Dimension

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

dimension Dimension See Dimension - The desired Dimension.

gPSData.setHdop(hdop) ⇒ GPSData

Set the Hdop

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

hdop Number HDOP. If value is unknown, value shall be set to 0. - The desired Hdop. {'default_value': 0.0, 'num_min_value': 0.0, 'num_max_value': 1000.0}

gPSData.setHeading(heading) ⇒ GPSData

Set the Heading

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

heading Number The heading. North is 0. Resolution is 0.01 - The desired Heading. {'num_min_value': 0.0, 'num_max_value': 359.99}

gPSData.setLatitudeDegrees(degrees) ⇒ GPSData

Set the LatitudeDegrees

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

degrees Number The desired LatitudeDegrees. {'num_min_value': -90.0, 'num_max_value': 90.0}

gPSData.setLongitudeDegrees(degrees) ⇒ GPSData

Set the LongitudeDegrees

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

degrees Number The desired LongitudeDegrees. {'num_min_value': -180.0, 'num_max_value': 180.0}

gPSData.setPdop(pdop) ⇒ GPSData

Set the Pdop

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

pdop Number PDOP. If undefined or unavailable, then value shall be set to 0. - The desired Pdop. {'default_value': 0.0, 'num_min_value': 0.0, 'num_max_value': 1000.0}

gPSData.setSatellites(satellites) ⇒ GPSData

Set the Satellites

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

satellites Number Number of satellites in view - The desired Satellites. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 31}

gPSData.setShifted(shifted) ⇒ GPSData

Set the Shifted

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

shifted Boolean True, if GPS lat/long, time, and altitude have been purposefully shifted (requires a proprietary algorithm to unshift). False, if the GPS data is raw and un-shifted. If not provided, then value is assumed False. - The desired Shifted.

gPSData.setSpeed(speed) ⇒ GPSData

Set the Speed

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

speed Number The speed in KPH - The desired Speed. {'num_min_value': 0.0, 'num_max_value': 500.0}

gPSData.setUtcDay(day) ⇒ GPSData

Set the UtcDay

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

day Number The current UTC day. - The desired UtcDay. {'num_min_value': 1, 'num_max_value': 31}

gPSData.setUtcHours(hours) ⇒ GPSData

Set the UtcHours

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

hours Number The current UTC hour. - The desired UtcHours. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 23}

gPSData.setUtcMinutes(minutes) ⇒ GPSData

Set the UtcMinutes

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

minutes Number The current UTC minute. - The desired UtcMinutes. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 59}

gPSData.setUtcMonth(month) ⇒ GPSData

Set the UtcMonth

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

month Number The current UTC month. - The desired UtcMonth. {'num_min_value': 1, 'num_max_value': 12}

gPSData.setUtcSeconds(seconds) ⇒ GPSData

Set the UtcSeconds

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

seconds Number The current UTC second. - The desired UtcSeconds. {'num_min_value': 0, 'num_max_value': 59}

gPSData.setUtcYear(year) ⇒ GPSData

Set the UtcYear

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

year Number The current UTC year. - The desired UtcYear. {'num_min_value': 2010, 'num_max_value': 2100}

gPSData.setVdop(vdop) ⇒ GPSData

Set the Vdop

Kind: Instance method of GPSData
Returns: GPSData - The class instance for method chaining.

vdop Number VDOP. If value is unknown, value shall be set to 0. - The desired Vdop. {'default_value': 0.0, 'num_min_value': 0.0, 'num_max_value': 1000.0}
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