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LightCapabilities Class Reference


Instance Methods


new LightCapabilities(parameters)

Initializes an instance of LightCapabilities.

Instance Methods

lightCapabilities.getDensityAvailable() ⇒ Boolean

Get the DensityAvailable

Kind: Instance method of LightCapabilities
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_DENSITY_AVAILABLE value

lightCapabilities.getNameParam() ⇒ LightName

Get the NameParam

Kind: Instance method of LightCapabilities
Returns: LightName - the KEY_NAME value

lightCapabilities.getRgbColorSpaceAvailable() ⇒ Boolean

Get the RgbColorSpaceAvailable

Kind: Instance method of LightCapabilities
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_RGB_COLOR_SPACE_AVAILABLE value

lightCapabilities.getStatusAvailable() ⇒ Boolean

Get the StatusAvailable

Kind: Instance method of LightCapabilities
Returns: Boolean - the KEY_STATUS_AVAILABLE value

lightCapabilities.setDensityAvailable(available) ⇒ LightCapabilities

Set the DensityAvailable

Kind: Instance method of LightCapabilities
Returns: LightCapabilities - The class instance for method chaining.

available Boolean Indicates if the light's density can be set remotely (similar to a dimmer). - The desired DensityAvailable.

lightCapabilities.setNameParam(name) ⇒ LightCapabilities

Set the NameParam

Kind: Instance method of LightCapabilities
Returns: LightCapabilities - The class instance for method chaining.

name LightName Enumeration that describes possible values of light name. The mobile libraries and SDL Core use the name string when referencing these elements. - The desired NameParam.

lightCapabilities.setRgbColorSpaceAvailable(available) ⇒ LightCapabilities

Set the RgbColorSpaceAvailable

Kind: Instance method of LightCapabilities
Returns: LightCapabilities - The class instance for method chaining.

available Boolean Indicates if the light's color can be set remotely by using the sRGB color space. - The desired RgbColorSpaceAvailable.

lightCapabilities.setStatusAvailable(available) ⇒ LightCapabilities

Set the StatusAvailable

Kind: Instance method of LightCapabilities
Returns: LightCapabilities - The class instance for method chaining.

available Boolean Indicates if the status (ON/OFF) can be set remotely. App shall not use read-only values (RAMP_UP/RAMP_DOWN/UNKNOWN/INVALID) in a setInteriorVehicleData request. - The desired StatusAvailable.
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