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JavaScript Suite Documentation

NavigationServiceData Class Reference


Instance Methods


new NavigationServiceData(parameters)

Initializes an instance of NavigationServiceData.

Instance Methods

navigationServiceData.getDestination() ⇒ LocationDetails

Get the Destination

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: LocationDetails - the KEY_DESTINATION value

navigationServiceData.getDestinationETA() ⇒ DateTime

Get the DestinationETA

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: DateTime - the KEY_DESTINATION_ETA value

navigationServiceData.getInstructions() ⇒ Array.<NavigationInstruction>

Get the Instructions

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: Array.<NavigationInstruction> - the KEY_INSTRUCTIONS value

navigationServiceData.getNextInstructionDistance() ⇒ Number

Get the NextInstructionDistance

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: Number - the KEY_NEXT_INSTRUCTION_DISTANCE value

navigationServiceData.getNextInstructionDistanceScale() ⇒ Number

Get the NextInstructionDistanceScale

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData

navigationServiceData.getNextInstructionETA() ⇒ DateTime

Get the NextInstructionETA

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: DateTime - the KEY_NEXT_INSTRUCTION_ETA value

navigationServiceData.getOrigin() ⇒ LocationDetails

Get the Origin

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: LocationDetails - the KEY_ORIGIN value

navigationServiceData.getPrompt() ⇒ String

Get the Prompt

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: String - the KEY_PROMPT value

navigationServiceData.getTimeStamp() ⇒ DateTime

Get the TimeStamp

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: DateTime - the KEY_TIME_STAMP value

navigationServiceData.setDestination(destination) ⇒ NavigationServiceData

Set the Destination

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: NavigationServiceData - The class instance for method chaining.

destination LocationDetails The desired Destination.

navigationServiceData.setDestinationETA(eta) ⇒ NavigationServiceData

Set the DestinationETA

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: NavigationServiceData - The class instance for method chaining.

eta DateTime The desired DestinationETA.

navigationServiceData.setInstructions(instructions) ⇒ NavigationServiceData

Set the Instructions

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: NavigationServiceData - The class instance for method chaining.

instructions Array.<NavigationInstruction> This array should be ordered with all remaining instructions. The start of this array should always contain the next instruction. - The desired Instructions.

navigationServiceData.setNextInstructionDistance(distance) ⇒ NavigationServiceData

Set the NextInstructionDistance

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: NavigationServiceData - The class instance for method chaining.

distance Number The distance to this instruction from current location. This should only be updated ever .1 unit of distance. For more accuracy the consumer can use the GPS location of itself and the next instruction. - The desired NextInstructionDistance.

navigationServiceData.setNextInstructionDistanceScale(scale) ⇒ NavigationServiceData

Set the NextInstructionDistanceScale

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: NavigationServiceData - The class instance for method chaining.

scale Number Distance till next maneuver (starting from) from previous maneuver. - The desired NextInstructionDistanceScale.

navigationServiceData.setNextInstructionETA(eta) ⇒ NavigationServiceData

Set the NextInstructionETA

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: NavigationServiceData - The class instance for method chaining.

eta DateTime The desired NextInstructionETA.

navigationServiceData.setOrigin(origin) ⇒ NavigationServiceData

Set the Origin

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: NavigationServiceData - The class instance for method chaining.

origin LocationDetails The desired Origin.

navigationServiceData.setPrompt(prompt) ⇒ NavigationServiceData

Set the Prompt

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: NavigationServiceData - The class instance for method chaining.

prompt String This is a prompt message that should be conveyed to the user through either display or voice (TTS). This param will change often as it should represent the following: approaching instruction, post instruction, alerts that affect the current navigation session, etc. - The desired Prompt. {'string_min_length': 1}

navigationServiceData.setTimeStamp(stamp) ⇒ NavigationServiceData

Set the TimeStamp

Kind: Instance method of NavigationServiceData
Returns: NavigationServiceData - The class instance for method chaining.

stamp DateTime This is the timestamp of when the data was generated. This is to ensure any time or distance given in the data can accurately be adjusted if necessary. - The desired TimeStamp.
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