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Consumer Friendly Messages

Consumer Friendly Messages

There are certain scenarios when SDL Core needs to display a message to the user. Some examples are when an error occurs or an application is unauthorized. These messages can include spoken text and text displayed to a user in multiple languages. All of this information is stored in the consumer_friendly_messages property.


All messages are given a unique name (e.g. "AppUnauthorized" or "DataConsent") and stored as an object in the consumer_friendly_messages object's messages property.


Since each message should support multiple languages, each message object will contain a property named languages. Language properties are named by combining the ISO 639-1 language code and the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code. For example, messages for English speaking citizens of the United States would be under the key en-us.

Message Text

Inside each language object is the data to be displayed or spoken by the module. The data is organized in the following properties.

Message Text Property Type Description
tts String Text that can be read aloud by the vehicle module.
line1 String First line of text to be displayed on the head unit.
line2 String Second line of text to be displayed on the head unit.
text-body String Body of text to be displayed on the head unit.
label String


The version property in the consumer_friendly_messages object defines the current version of all the messages. It is used during a Policy Table update to determine whether or not the consumer friendly messages need to be updated. The version must be in the format ###.###.###.


An example of how the Consumer Friendly Messages portion of a Policy Table might look.

"consumer_friendly_messages": {
    "version": "001.001.015",
    "messages": {
        "AppUnauthorized": {
            "languages": {
                "de-de": {
                    "tts": "Diese Version von %appName% ist nicht autorisiert und wird nicht mit SDL funktionieren.",
                    "line1": "nicht autorisiert"
                "en-ie": {
                    "tts": "This version of %appName% is not authorized and will not work with SDL.",
                    "line1": "not authorized"
                "en-us": {
                    "tts": "This version of %appName% is not authorized and will not work with SDL.",
                    "line1": "Not Authorized"
        "DataConsent": {
            "languages": {
                "en-us": {
                    "tts": "To use mobile apps with SDL, SDL may use your mobile device's data plan....",
                    "line1": "Enable Mobile Apps",
                    "line2": "on SDL? (Uses Data)"
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