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For your convenience, we have implemented the following security features into the Policy Server.

HTTPS Connections (SSL/TLS)

HTTPS connections (disabled by default) can be enabled by doing the following:
Store your SSL Certificate and Private Key files in the ./customizable/ssl directory
Set your POLICY_SERVER_PORT_SSL environment variable to your desired secure port (typically 443)
Set your SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME environment variable to the filename of your SSL Certificate file
Set your SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME environment variable to the filename of your Private Key file
If you are unable to modify your environment variables, you may define these settings in the ./settings.js configuration file
Restart your Policy Server and navigate to your server's hostname on the secure port!

Basic Authentication

You may optionally require your Policy Server administrators to enter a password before being able to access the user interface. We recommend using a more secure method of authentication in accordance to your company's IT security standards, but provide this basic authentication feature for convenience.

By default, basic authentication is disabled. To enable it, simply set your AUTH_TYPE environment variable to basic and your BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD environment variable to a password of your choice, then restart your Policy Server. If you are unable to modify your environment variables, you may define these settings in the ./settings.js configuration file.

Basic Authentication

Policy Table Encryption

You may wish to encrypt your Policy Table when in transit to/from SDL Core. To achieve this, we've implemented skeleton methods to house your custom encryption logic. The Policy Table JSON object (array) is passed to these methods so you can run encryption and decryption transformations against it. By default, these methods perform no transformations.

The customizable Policy Table skeleton encryptPolicyTable and decryptPolicyTable methods are located in the Policy Server project at the following file path: ./customizable/encryption/index.js

If you modify this skeleton method to implement Policy Table encryption on your Policy Server, you will also need to implement corresponding cryptography logic via the crypt and decrypt methods in your build of SDL Core. These methods are available in the sample_policy_manager.py file of SDL Core.

Configurable CA Key and Certificate Creation

If you are attempting to use encrypted RPCs with SDL Core, you will need to have certificates for both Core and the Mobile Proxy. Generating the CA key and certificate files will have to be done manually (see below). After they are created and certificate generation is enabled, additional ones can be created via the Policy Server UI. The Policy Server uses a wrapper for OpenSSL to provide the same options that would normally be provided when directly dealing with OpenSSL.


OpenSSL version 1.1.0+ must be installed. The source files can be found here along with instructions for installation.

Once OpenSSL is properly installed, you'll need to take the necessary steps to establish a certificate authority. The CA will be responsible for signing all certificates created by the policy server. This can be done by simply entering the following two commands into any terminal:

Command Explanation
openssl genrsa -out CA.key 2048 This creates a 2048 bit RSA private key and saves it in the file "CA.key". It will later be used for signing certificates.
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key CA.key -sha256 -days 3650 -out CA.pem This creates a certificate in the file name "CA.pem" that will be used in the creation of additional certificates. It is set to expire after 10 years. OpenSSL will then prompt you for further information.

The CA files will then need to be relocated to the ./customizable/ca folder and their file names will need to be specified in the .env file.

The following environment variables are the most relevant for getting the policy server set up to start creating certificates on its own:

Variable Is Mandatory Description
CA_PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME true The filename of your .key file generated, to be placed in customizable/ca/
CA_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME true The filename of your .pem file generated, to be placed in customizable/ca/
CERTIFICATE_PASSPHRASE true A secret password used for every certificate generated.
CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME true Default information of the issuer's fully qualified domain name to secure
PRIVATE_KEY_BITSIZE false The size of the private keys generated. Defaults to 2048.
PRIVATE_KEY_CIPHER false The type of cipher to use for encryption/decryption. Defaults to "des3".
CERTIFICATE_COUNTRY false Default information of the issuer's country (two-letter ISO code).
CERTIFICATE_STATE false Default information of the issuer's state.
CERTIFICATE_LOCALITY false Default information of the issuer's city.
CERTIFICATE_ORGANIZATION false Default information of the issuer's legal company name.
CERTIFICATE_ORGANIZATION_UNIT false Default information of the issuer's company's branch.
CERTIFICATE_EMAIL_ADDRESS false Default information of the issuer's email address
CERTIFICATE_HASH false The cryptographic hash function to use. Defaults to sha256.
CERTIFICATE_DAYS false The number of days until the certificate expires. Defaults to 7 days.
MODULE_CONFIG_ENCRYPT_CERT_BUNDLE false Whether to package the module config's certificate and private key into a pkcs12 bundle string using the CERTIFICATE_PASSPHRASE. If false (default), it will just be a concatenation of the certificate and the private key

To know if this process was successful and if your policy server is now capable of generating keys and certificates, check the About page to see if certificate generation is enabled.

Retrieving the Certificates

SDL Core's certificate is stored in the module_config of the policy table and is updated via a Policy Table Update. For an app to retrieve its certificate, it must make either a GET or POST request to the /api/v1/applications/certificate/get endpoint. See the API documentation for more details.

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