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GET /permission

Retrieve a list of supported permissions an Application can request access to. An Application can use many permissions. A SmartDeviceLink Application requires certain data permissions about the mobility experience. These permissions are chosen by the developer and should be synchronized with OEM systems or SDL Server implementations.


in name type required description default
query application_uuid string false Check each permission against the given Application to see if it is currently in use by the Application, returned by the hmi_level attribute.
query status string: DEVELOPMENT, REVIEW, PRODUCTION false Only match against the given application_uuid in the provided status. This parameter is only available for vendors with SHAID admin access; For non-admins, the value of this parameter will always be PRODUCTION.
query include_hidden boolean false Set to true to return permissions which are not presented to app developers as selectable permission options. Default false. false
query include_parents boolean false Set to true to return a parent_permissions array of permission objects in each first-level permission object. Default false. false

Response: 200

Permission(s) retrieved! The request was successful and the permissions are returned in the response body.


  • (object)
  • meta (object) (optional)
    • request_id (string) A unique ID for the request
    • code (int32) The HTTP status code of the response
    • message (string) A readable summary of the request result
  • data (object) (optional)
    • permission_categories (unspecified type) (optional)

Response: 400

Invalid request. The request is either missing data, has invalid data, or has conflicting data. See the response body for more details.



Response: 500

Internal server error.



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