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JavaScript Suite Documentation

SdlManager Class Reference


Instance Methods


new SdlManager(appConfig, managerListener)

Initializes an instance of SdlManager.

Instance Methods

sdlManager.addRpcListener(functionId, listener) ⇒ SdlManager

Add a listener for a given FunctionID

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: SdlManager - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

functionId Number A Function ID from the RPC Spec
listener function A callback function(RpcMessage)

sdlManager.dispose() ⇒ SdlManager

Gracefully disposes the managers and alerts and destroys the ManagerListener

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: SdlManager - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

sdlManager.getAuthToken() ⇒ [string, null]

Retrieves the Auth Token from the _LifecycleManager

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: [string, null] - The auth token.

sdlManager.getCurrentHmiStatus() ⇒ [HMILevel, null]

Retrieves the current HMI status from the _LifecycleManager

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: [HMILevel, null] - The HMI Level.

sdlManager.getFileManager() ⇒ [FileManager, null]

Retrieves a reference to the FileManager, if ready

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: [FileManager, null] - The FileManager.

sdlManager.getPermissionManager() ⇒ [PermissionManager, null]

Retrieves a reference to the PermissionManager, if ready

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: [PermissionManager, null] - The PermissionManager.

sdlManager.getRegisterAppInterfaceResponse() ⇒ [RegisterAppInterfaceResponse, null]

Retrieves the RAI response from the _LifecycleManager

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: [RegisterAppInterfaceResponse, null] - A RegisterAppInterfaceResponse.

sdlManager.getScreenManager() ⇒ [ScreenManager, null]

Retrieves a reference to the ScreenManager, if ready

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: [ScreenManager, null] - The ScreenManager.

sdlManager.getSystemCapabilityManager() ⇒ SystemCapabilityManager

Retrieves a reference to the SystemCapabilityManager

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: SystemCapabilityManager - The SystemCapabilityManager.

sdlManager.removeRpcListener(functionId, listener) ⇒ SdlManager

Remove a listener for a given FunctionID

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: SdlManager - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

functionId Number A Function ID from the RPC Spec
listener function A callback function(RpcMessage)

sdlManager.sendRpc(message) ⇒ Promise

Sends a single RPC

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: Promise - A Promise which resolves if the RPC response is SUCCESS, otherwise rejects

message RpcMessage An RPC message to send.

sdlManager.sendRpcResolve(message) ⇒ Promise

Sends a single RPC

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: Promise - A Promise which resolves regardless of the result code returned

message RpcMessage An RPC message to send.

sdlManager.sendRpcs(messages) ⇒ Promise

Sends multiple RPCs asynchronously

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: Promise - A Promise which resolves if all RPCs respond with SUCCESS, otherwise rejects with the first failure

messages Array.<RpcMessage> An array of RpcMessages

sdlManager.sendRpcsResolve(messages, onUpdate) ⇒ Promise

Sends multiple RPCs asynchronously

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: Promise - A Promise which returns all RPCs when they all resolve, regardless of the result code

messages Array.<RpcMessage> An array of RpcMessages
onUpdate function A callback function that will be invoked with the result and the remaining requests left

sdlManager.sendSequentialRpcs(messages) ⇒ Promise

Sends multiple RPCs synchronously (in order)

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: Promise - A Promise which resolves with the last RPC response if all RPCs respond with SUCCESS, otherwise rejects with the first failure

messages Array.<RpcMessage> An array of RpcMessages

sdlManager.sendSequentialRpcsResolve(messages, onUpdate) ⇒ Promise

Sends multiple RPCs synchronously (in order)

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: Promise - A Promise which returns all responses when they all resolve, regardless of the result code

messages Array.<RpcMessage> An array of RpcMessages
onUpdate function A callback function that will be invoked with the result and the remaining requests left

sdlManager.start() ⇒ SdlManager

Initializes the LifecycleManager using the AppConfig and starts the transport

Kind: Instance method of SdlManager
Returns: SdlManager - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

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